Friday, July 27, 2012

Mey Akashah's Harvard thesis online

Mey Akashah's Harvard thesis front page

Mey Akashah's Harvard thesis online at Slideshare and Wordpress

Mey Akashah's Harvard School of Public Health doctoral dissertation, Fish Consumption, Mercury Intake, and the Associated Risks to the Kuwaiti Population, can now be found online at Mey's Slideshare page and her Wordpress blog.

Topic and background

Mey's dissertation addresses health risks factors associated with mercury intake as a consequence of fish consumption among the Kuwaiti population.  Mercury is neurotoxic, and some studies have shown that it may also contribute to cardiovascular disease (Harada 1995; Grandjean 1998). As Kuwaitis eat more fish than many other nationalities, it is important to better understand how much fish Kuwaitis consume, how much mercury is in the fish being eaten, and the physiological factors affecting how much mercury is absorbed into the body. The three papers in the dissertation address each of these areas, individually.


The first paper, “Fish Consumption among Kuwaiti Nationals,” addresses the consumption patterns of the Kuwait population, including the types of fish eaten, how frequently they are consumed, and average consumption among various age, sex, and ethnic groups. “Human Health Risks from Mercury in Fish” investigates the potential health effects to the Kuwaiti population as a result of current fish consumption patterns. The third paper, “Fish Consumption as a Determinant of Hair Mercury Levels among Kuwaiti Nationals,” relates this consumption to overall body burden of mercury, allowing a better understanding of the relationship between intake of fish and mercury levels found in hair samples.


It is hoped that the dissertation's three studies will inform future work in the areas of risk reduction and risk management, so that more accurate risk assessments may be undertaken in the future. The research may also be used to create fish consumption advisories for the Kuwaiti population and other countries in the region.

Access, download, and share

To access or download a pdf copy of Mey Akashah's Harvard School of Public Health doctoral thesis, please visit Mey at Slideshare or Mey at Wordpress - and please share and/or like the page if you believe it is important and useful!

- Mey Akashah
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

My blog at Wordpress

Dear all,

Just a quick post to let you know that I have also created a blog at Wordpress, which also has posts about environmental health, biodiversity, human rights, and humanitarian affairs. Some posts might appear on both, while some may only appear on Wordpress or Blogspot. If there is content on one, but you think should also be included on the other, please let me know and I will cross-post.

You can also follow me on Slideshare or Academia, or follow the External Sites link above to find my other profiles and pages. 

- Mey Akashah

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Welcome to my new blog (also found here), where you will find thoughts and analysis of major environmental, social, and political trends affecting our futures and those of the voiceless billions around the world. I’ll do my best to keep it fresh and new, as well as invite others to collaborate on posts, to implement my belief that intractable problems can only be solved with creative, collaborative, and bold new ideas. I would also love to hear yours.

Welcome again, and looking forward to learning your thoughts and perspectives as I share mine,